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SpinCity Records




Tommy Davis, 







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Spinner(Jeffrey Horner):

Jeffrey is a 21 year old male from a small town located in the southern area of New Jersey named Pine Hill. Growing up he faced many challenges in life. Between the loss of his father, constant headbutts with his step father, expulsions and being sent away and much more.

By the age of 15, Jeffrey had seen it all. After finding himself down on countless occasions, he thought to himself..."how can I get back on my feet and stay up?". Soon he will find the answer he was looking for.

In 8th grade, Jeffrey was writing a poem for a report in school. He decided he would do one about his father. After submitting his wordplay, he began to receive positive remarks. "Are you an artist because that was crazy my dude!", "Keep it up kid you have talent!"...

After hearing replies such as that, he thought.. "Maybe I can do music!"

It was at that moment when he realized that music was his ultimate destiny. He found "Spinner"


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